Kari Pricher

Member, Interim Board of Trustees

Kari Pricher is an editorial producer for CNN Anderson Cooper 360. For 20 years, she has traveled to communities coping with enormous loss to report the stories of victims and survivors.

Kari was a 2013 Ochberg Fellow with The Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma at Columbia University, an experience that deepened her resolve to report on the emotional impact of traumatic events as well as to work with other journalists on best practices for crisis reporting.

Recent assignments include the terrorist attacks in Paris, France, Typhoon Hayain in Tacloban City, Philippines, the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, and the bombings at the Boston Marathon.

From 2007 to 2011, Pricher was a segment producer with ABC Good Morning America, and from 2011-2012 she was part of the team at The Dr. Oz Show who won the Emmy Award for Best Daytime Talk Show/Informative.