
Thanks to our donors, more journalists will handle with resilience the traumatic events they encounter in their work, and the quality and quantity of trauma journalism will better meet the needs of an informed citizenry.

Founding Donors

Platinum: $25,000 or more

Cornerstone Foundation
Gwen Weiner

Gold: $10,000-$24,999

Maria Pessino Bacardi

Silver: $5,000-$9,999

Ronald Book

Bronze $1,000-$4,999

Frank Ochberg
Orenstein Foundation

Richard McLellan

Amy & Don Putman

Donors 2017

Rachel Briggs

Melissa Nann Burke

Melinda Condon

Philip Hallen

Chandra Hayslett

David A. Last and Maria T. McGarry

Sarah Peacock

Jennifer Siebens